About Breast Cancer
Research Trust
Improving outcomes with evidence-based breast cancer research
The Breast Cancer Research Trust uses evidence based research advances, to provide those diagnosed with breast cancer the best treatments, practices and outcomes.
Founded in 2000, the Breast Cancer Research Trust (BCRT), is involved in local and international research trials, which focus on using the latest research advances to prevent and cure breast cancer.
To date, the research team, led by Chair and Breast Cancer Surgeon, Professor Ian Campbell, has participated in more than 45 clinical trials, providing women/wāhine throughout New Zealand (and internationally), access to leading-edge protocols and therapy.
Our Vision:
Gaining knowledge,
Kia tupu ai te matauranga
... Saving lives
Kia ora ai te iwi
Our Mission:
Improving breast cancer care and treatment
He whakapai ake te Mate Uutaetae i te mahi rangahau

Every day ... more than
ONE Waikato woman will be diagnosed with breast cancer

Every day ...
TEN NZ women will be diagnosed with breast cancer

Every year ...
600 women will most likely die from breast cancer

and ...
90% of these women will have no family history of breast cancer
Every woman is at risk of developing breast cancer
It's a myth that having a strong family history of breast cancer, is the main determining factor.

Through good quality research and the contributions of women/wāhine, research staff, scientists, and clinicians, steady advances have been made in breast cancer care. These advances have resulted in improved chances of best outcomes for women diagnosed with the disease. In the last 20 years breast cancer death rates in New Zealand have halved.
The BCRT connects with patients, doctors, nurses, and families in the community at the point of a breast cancer diagnosis and believes that despite breast cancer diagnoses, quality of lives and best outcomes can be achieved.