Pink Walk and Run Event Policies
Racing Number Collection
Please collect your racing number from the registration tent within the scheduled times.
Manual Entries
Online entries close at 11.59pm, on the evening prior to the event date. After this deadline, manual entries will be available at the registration tent at the event.
No refunds will be granted after 11.59pm, on the Monday prior to the event date – no exceptions. Entries can only be withdrawn if notice is received via email before this deadline. Written notice must include a medical reason of why you are unable to participate and should be emailed to admin@breastcancerresearch.org.nz. If a participant chooses to withdraw from the event before this date, $5.00 of the entry fee will be retained to cover administration costs. If the event is cancelled due to a natural disaster, entry fees will not be refunded. No refunds or transfers to the following year will be granted.
COVID-19 Vaccinations
We will comply with the Government’s confirmed policy in mandating the vaccination certificate to be part of or enjoy large scale events. We do encourage you to get vaccinated if you wish to participate in the Pink Walk & Run: bookmyvaccine.covid19.health.nz
Cancellation or Changes due to COVID-19
If the decision is made to cancel the Pink Walk & Run due to COVID-19, we will provide instructions on how to participate in a Pink Walk & Run virtual event. No refunds or transfers will be granted.