A touch of PINK makes all the difference in raising awareness and funds for breast cancer.
Host a pink-themed fundraiser to support the Breast Cancer Research Trust.
Stuck for ideas? Don't be!
A FUNdraiser can be something as simple as a BrEaST Friends Brunch or a Boobie Book Club, the possibilities are endless, and we are happy to assist.
Popular days are:
During the month of May in celebration of Mother's Day or International Clinical Trials Day (20th)
October which is breast cancer awareness month
or anytime is a good time to raise awareness!
Here are our top three fundraising ideas to get you inspired and PINK-ing about it.

Espress(o) your supportCoffee. Cake. What’s not to love? A coffee, brunch or bake sale is a brilliant way to bring people together and raise money and awareness to help change the future of breast cancer. Add the icing on the cake by adding in an item to raffle or auction off. From a small family get-together to a big flashy ball, every fundraising event brings us one step closer to a future free from breast cancer.

Go the extra mile to find a cure faster.Challenge yourself to compete in a sports event whilst supporting the Breast Cancer Research Trust. There are so many exciting runs, marathons, obstacle races and more across the country that you can take part in. We will provide you with assistance on how to set up a GiveALittle fundraising page to help you reach your fundraising goals.

Work It!Whether it’s nominating us as your chosen ‘Charity of the Year’ or simply organising a series of events, you’ll be promoting support for breast cancer, encouraginging staff and colleagues to work together, raising awareness of the company’s corporate social responsibilities and that of breast cancer prevention. It can also generate goodwill and positive publicity amongst customers, suppliers, and the local community. We can work with you to develop a calendar of fundraising events and help you to communicate the partnership aims to your staff.
Want to run a community event in your town?
Bring together the community and promote fitness by hosting a Pink Walk.
All you need is a park, permission and community support.
We’ll provide you with fundraising and marketing support wo encourage the weird, the whacky, the frivolous, and the funny.