Open clinical trials
The Breast Cancer Research Trust currently has the following clinical trials open to new patients:
The EXPERT clinical trial is a randomised phase 3 trial open to women aged 50 years or older, with Hormone Receptor (HR) positive, Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER2) negative, early stage breast cancer. EXPERT uses a genomic test of breast cancer tissue to select women who can safely avoid radiation therapy. The trial aims to improve personalised use of radiation therapy in early breast cancer patients, according to individual risk of local recurrence.
For more information contact: Jenni Scarlet, Research Nurse
Email: Jenni.Scarlet@waikatodhb.health.nz
Phone: 07 839 8726 ext 97916
A study evaluating a new online service for managing self-reported symptoms by women with advanced breast cancer
This is study evaluating a new service where patients complete weekly online surveys about common symptoms of advanced breast cancer (ABC) and side effects associated with ABC treatments. The survey responses are then sent to an ABC nurse who will use the responses to assist patients to better manage symptoms and side effects from home in between regular clinic visits. The survey responses will also help the patient's oncology team to decide if further tests or treatments are needed.
For more information contact: Jenni Scarlet, Research Nurse
Email: Jenni.Scarlet@waikatodhb.health.nz
Phone: 07 839 8726 ext 97916