Past Events
Best in Breast Care Conference
Friday 11 November, 2022
Warrior Woman
When a woman hears the words, "you have breast cancer" she is forever changed. She now inhabits the world of the sick rather than the world of the healthy. She learns about the disease and the myriad of treatments, all of which invade her body and sense of well-being in a very basic way. Doctors talk to her about recurrence rates and risks versus benefits, but they don't tell her how she is going to feel and look. How she is going to go on with her life once they have all left.

Last, but certainly not least, thank you to every warrior woman who not only joined the photoshoot but continues to fight.
I had this vision of immortalising a moment in time so these warrior women could feel glamorous in a way that may have seemed impossible.
And so, a group of passionate ladies got together on Saturday in honour of these Warrior Woman and gave their time and expertise freely.
We would like to thank these kind and generous people for their hearts in showing these ladies, that although their bodies might not be the same as it was before, they are a testament to the beauty of the human spirit and the female form.
Thank you to everyone who made this fundraiser a reality. I greatly appreciate it!
ALL proceeds donated to the Breast Cancer Research Trust!
BrEaST wishes,
Cindy Jacobs
Breast Cancer Research Trust Manager: Fundraising, Marketing & Events

Free FM 89
Did you catch us on Free FM on Saturday the 25th of March 2023? If not, you can listen here!